Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Year that was..

The season has come to an end for all. The long dry days of summer will soon be upon us followed by the humid months of July and August. And with that most of us will move into a low mileage or a break mode. But for now Coach Ravinder has sent out a note seeking nominations for the Runner of the Year award and so its time to assess this running season. And here is my assessment of the good and the bad :
+ Each of the previous years, I have usually gone low mileage and slow between May and Aug, picking up with a training plan for the Autumn / Winter races. This season was different. I came back from a hiatus in April by joining Tanvir’s 100 day running challenge. At that time, I didn’t realize the big difference it will make to my marathon training (more about it below). But those 3k-10k runs all through the months of May-July helped. I had to stop at the 86th day due to a personal emergency but by that time I had built up a solid mileage to take me into my training plan for the Berlin marathon.
+ With the 100 day running challenge, I also joined the 100 day no-sugar challenge. It was a little difficult at the start, but 10 days into the challenge, I had given up all sources of processed sugar and was feasting on the summer fruits of mangoes and melons. This definitely helped in boosting my fitness level. And btw, I am still continuing with no sugar Tea and Coffee.
+ The low mileage was supplemented with many strength training exercises – Planks, Squats, Lunges, Dead Lifts etc. in the base building period and so for once, I had followed a slow yet an efficient way of improving my fitness and strength.
+ And with all of the above, I had a good 3 months of base building period, and was able to transition a much stronger me into the marathon training plan for the Berlin Marathon in September. This was my A race for the year and bettering my marathon PB by 22 mins for a finish time of 4:06 was a result I am very happy with.
+I was happy to have maintained my timings for the shorter distances all through the year. So here’s the report card.
NYRR Mini 10K Women’s Run         54.19
Artemis Day Breaker 21k                 2:09:37
Manger Trail Run 25km                   2:58:49
Pinkathon 21km                               1:57:41
Dwarka Half Marathon                     2:05:17
Hero Sunrise HM 21km                   1:58:32
Berlin Marathon 42km                     4:06:32
Airtel HM 21Km                                1:55:00
Muskaan Run 10km                         52:37
Super Sikh Run 10km                       52:53
And now to the misses
- The strong marathon training was to be used for an ultra or a faster HM in November – never attempted the Ultra and just maintained a decent time for the HM
- I was supposed to chronicle my training on the blog but the training, recovery and life in general did not leave anytime for the blog.
- Sugar binge – it started with small and not so frequent portions but the winter comfort food of chikkis and sandesh and other sweets had me crave for the sugar big time.
- December till date have been little or no running and with all events registered for being a No Show.
“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginnings make the conditions perfect” – Alan Cohen
So though life in general is still busy, its time for a fresh start, a reboot…..
And you will see more of me on the roads and more of my running rants here.